forum member Reeds has posted a fantastic gallery of his newly arrived Hard Hero Thundercats Tygra Statue. Hard Hero fans know that their statues are high quality products. Reeds‘ gallery shows the immense details that are present. Check out his gallery Here.
Reeds has also been posting photos of his Thundercats Hard Hero Statues for some time now. You can check out his Lion-O, Cheetara and Bengali statues in the ongoing Hard Hero thread by clicking the DISCUSS button.
- Hard Hero Tygra Statue
I want to see some awesome shots, real shots, not just promos!
Here's some pics I took recently.

NICE. If you take some more good shots, "complete shoots" let us know, will front page them with credit.
Edit: (6-17-11) Updating the photos with more comprehensive ones, but I've included the original ones at the tail end.

Ben-Gali is a fantastic Hard Hero release. I love the details from his cat hammer with those three hanging beads that are impossible to photograph, to the white eyebrows with perfect black borders. His stance is perfect over the rocks, so he takes up no more space on a shelf than the base does.
Ben also has that awesome chest strap thing going for him that's really cool. The one strap that's thinner from the rest, the way it latches in the front and the back gives him that hardened warrior feel. And the detail of it makes it look like he's really wearing it over his clothes, not some "painted over" item.
Though a surprising choice by Hard Hero, he's definitely one mad yet amazingly detailed space cat.
Go and get a textured, any color not-white, shower curtain made of thick cloth or plastic. Iron it, drape it evenly, and use the lights you got, and it will look just as good.

Not everything needs to be "OMG Pure White", IMO.
That is what I do, in case it helps.
Key is just making sure the figure or item is crisp, and the BG is natural and not distracting.
Thanks, I'll give that a go!
Hehe, sorry if that sounded like I was giving you a command.
Let me rephrase:
If you want to, here is what I do, in case it helps....
Not at all. I've been flying blind with the lightbox so its nice to have some tips!

Here's a few of my AP Cheetara. That's right she was in the smart classes.
Wow very nice pics those figures look fantastic..
thx for sharing
Are those statues a set piece that go together?
unfortunately, no. When I got Cheetara, I was surprised the base wasn't as tall and didn't connect cleanly with Lion-O's. I asked at Hard Hero how to position her so the base went seemlessly with his, and I was told it won't and to position it to his right, angled for a nice appearance.
Looks okay, but still I'm a little disappointed in that.
I was hoping for that DC style where you get multiple statues with perhaps a Jaga piece each and in the end, if you got them all, you have that shot of them all on the cliff with Jaga and his spread out cape behind them. But perhaps that was a little too ambitious, plus how would Ben-Gali fit into that.
Not everything needs to be "OMG Pure White", IMO.
That is what I do, in case it helps.
Key is just making sure the figure or item is crisp, and the BG is natural and not distracting.
I meant to do this a lot sooner, but here's my AP Tygra photos.

I have to say that although I feel Hard Hero nailed the likeness in all 360 degrees, he didn't impress me with the tiny details that Lion-O and especially Bengali did. I guess as far as detail goes, I'd put him somewhere between Lion-O and Cheetara.
His whip comes packed separately and pops in easily enough with no problems. I wish I had an in-scale light saber or any translucent plastic, as this guy affords the rare opportunity to make a Darth Tygra.
The whole rocky base not being consistent or able to plug-in together is starting to get a bit annoying and does confine who he can pose next to and in what direction, but as you can see in the last photo, it works, more or less. (I'm really running out of space in there)
His expression is great as they got that more common serious look that works with his character for both critical battles as well as just playing about.
All the hand painted work, especially on the nose and the white in his mane came out well done and the hairy detail of his chest, face, and forearms keeps that nice detail that the other male cats have as well.
From behind he looks like an old man. Dunno why I think that. White hair, hunched a bit, I guess. I just keep hearing, "Get off the lawn!" Again, dunno why.
Sideshow just sent me a note saying my PopCultureShock Lion-O's final flex payment is being pushed back to late July. That's the second time they've had to push a payment by a month. I guess there are delays in his release.

Dang. I was thinking, "Any day now I'll get that final payment/shipped email!"
Plus, I'd like at least ONE month off before they start charging for the Mumm-Ra excl. ver!
I guess this is that month. hehe
Reeds, I had to frontpage the excellent Tygra gallery. Great job my friend.
That's awesome. Thanks, Joe!!
Edit: I updated my Ben-Gali post above with a more comprehensive photo shoot. I hope to get around to Lion-O and Cheetara soon too.
what happened to this line?
Hello there ! here are the pictures of my Lion-O Statue. I love him so much ! The only problem I have is the sword that is not straight. I would not take the risk to fix it...

Although I'm not a huge fan of polystone statues, I decided to continue my collection because I'm so admirative of Paul Benett's sculpt. I'm waiting for the arrival of Tygra.
Next, I'm wondering if I should get Bengali or Cheetara. Maybe someone could help me choosing...
Please Reeds, Can you help me with Cheetara. I got mine yesterday but I have difficulties to plug the hand holding the stick.

It lets a huge gap when I plug it. Do you have an advice with that ?
Tanks a lot.