Thundercats is at a cross roads right now. The brand is barely holding on, the show may not return and the toys have seen sparse shelf space and extremely poor distribution. Non-toy merchandise has seen an extremely slow trickle, with very little in the way to excite fans and kids. So when I ask, “Should Thundercats Be Saved?”, I solely mean this particular iteration of the classic franchise and not the brand as a whole.
Now, don’t get me wrong here…Thundercats, as a brand, can be a very powerful name. Thundercats (as a brand) can and should be in the market. But only if handled correctly; With respect by all involved, a dedicated master toy license holder willing to keep the line fresh and in people’s minds.
I’m going to take a look at 5 reasons why this current iteration absolutely should be saved and should continue on. But I’m also going to list 5 reasons why it might be best to cut their losses and start over. Read on to see what I’ve come up with.