Cartoon Network’s Thundercats Website has seen a massive overhaul. They have added the new TV Spot, character bios, a music sampling from the series, desktop wallpapers and more. The wallpapers are available in various sizes, but those with HD Resolutions should stick to the Thundercats.ws HD Wallpapers, since these max out at 1280×1024.
To see some of the images and character bios, click the headline of the story.
Lord of the ThunderCats, Lion-O is a fearless leader who’s ready to jump into the fight, even when it gets him in trouble. He wields the mighty Sword of Omens, the most powerful weapon on Third Earth.
Lion-O’s adopted older brother Tygra can best his sibling in most things, yet is jealous of Lion-O’s claim to the royal crown. In combat, Tygra uses his whip to turn invisible and is an expert marksman.
Trained by the wizard Jaga, Cheetara is a powerful magician and the last living Cleric. She’s also the fastest cat in Thundera and an expert in many forms of combat, including staff fighting.
Crafty and resourceful, Wilykat and Wilykit are two young orphans who were struggling to survive in the streets of Thundera. Now, they’ve joined Lion-O and the others on their epic quest.
The very essence of evil, Mumm-Ra is a powerful sorceror with a vast army of minions. He seeks the same ancient artifacts as the ThunderCats and will destroy anyone or anything that stands in his way.
Cartoon Network Thundercats Website Updated
anyone notice the typos in Wilykit and Kat? Some spots it's spelled Wileykit/kat and others is Wily.