Check out some HD screen captures for Thundercats Episode 3 Ramlak Rising. Over 100 caps are available for your viewing pleasure.
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Thundercats 2011 Ep 3 Ramlak Rising HD Screen Caps

Lion O
Lion O and the First Mate
Mumm Ra and Grune
Jaga Ghost
The animation is for this show is really amazing.
episode 4 at the end Panthro will make a cameo which will leads to ep5. Old Friends
God, this show is getting better and better! This is so excitint

It was cool the way we saw other faces of Tygran and Lion-O. Lion-O is impulsive but also Tygra is the mature one XD
I don´t care is the story of the chap has similarities with the tale of the wale :P It worked well here XD
The animation is incredible awesome and the characters designe is liking me more and more with every episode^^ (not that I didn´t like it in the first place^^)
Good thing, Jaga´s still alive! But that crepy Mumm-Ra has the guide to the Book! This will be an interestin and exciting race to that Book!!
The kittens are in the group! This kids are great, they are way funny and cuter than their clissicsselfs. And they sure aport the comedy and good time to the show XD I love them and all the cats!!!