MTV Geek got an exclusive interview and first look at a bunch of new figures coming in 2012. the new images give us our first look at the new 6 inch Thundercats Classics figures, which look to simply be scaled down versions of the 8 inch designs. We get our first looks at the following 6 inch figures:
Thundercats Classics
• Lion-O
• Mumm-Ra
Thundercats 2011
• Cheetara
• Tygra
Some highlights from the interview are as follows:
• The Thundercats 6″ Classics will replace the 8″ line at retail
• Thundercats 8″ Classics may continue in limited capacity
• Cheetara was heavily hinted at as a possible next 8″ Classics release
• Classics Mumm-Ra based on the original 80’s animation model
• The 6″ Thundercats 2011 line will feature variants and repaints based on changing appearances in the show
• Looks like the black ball joints are out on future 6″ Thundercats 2011 releases
• Some of the planned 2012 figures could be on store shelves as soon as December 2011
check out the photos by clicking the headline of the story.
Balgus82 says
courtesy of mtvgeek
Joe Moore says
EXCLUSIVE First Look at 2012 ThunderCats 6 Inch Figures with Interview
Balgus82 says
my thoughts:
Tygra and Cheetara look awesome. so glad they corrected the peg colors. Don't really care for angry face on Lion-O. and I hope Mumm-Ra will come with his cape cause his arms look smaller somehow without it
Ravenxl7 says
Everything looks great. Sucks that the 8" figures are carrying on at a "limited capacity". Looks like I'll be skipping over Tygra, and getting the 6" figures instead. Though I'm not sure what I'll do with my 8" Lion-O now... Mumm-Ra looks great, as does Lion-O (even with that facial expression). Can't wait to see how the others turn out.
Cheetara and Tygra look great. I had decided to just skip most of the modern figures, but these two might have changed my mind, lol. I might just go pick-up Lion-O, Panthro, and Mumm-Ra before they disappear from store shelves. Should be interesting to see how the kittens turn out, and to see who else is coming down the pipeline.
Edit:Now that I've read through the highlights, lol...
Joe Moore says
printer6 says
Mumm-Ra looks pretty good, but the angry face on Lion-O... not so sure about that one. If they're switching to 6" scale, I'll most likely get it till something better comes along at this size.
Lody says
Really don't need an angry Lion-o
Would be nice to get a better articulated Wily Kit and Kat though
eero says
Nice to finally have some news regarding the Classics changes. I think the switch to 6" is bad move. Lion-O, in particular his glove, looks soft now. And that face sculpt is bad. I would find it hard to buy another classic Lion-O when I already have the 8" and I know I'd need to get the 6" version when he comes with a normal face.
Ravenxl7 says
Fingers crossed that this is true.
Also, since they're doing a Lion-O v2 and Panthro v2 for the 4" line, I'm thinking I might wait to see if they do the same for the 6" line too (maybe have Panthro correctly colored, and Lion-O with the addition of the crystals to the shield?).
Mintcondition says
Considering BBTS has them listed as a release of November 2011, I wouldn't be surprised to see them before Christmas.
I hope so, at least. I want these sooooo bad.
Oh, and they better make a 6 inch Tygra soon. Because, if I have to buy an all new Lion-O I need an all new Tygra.
Mintcondition says
And I actually like the angry face on Lion-O. I know a lot of people complained about the 8 inch Lion-O's very plain face, so I'm sure all those same people will complain about this new face as well.
destiny13777 says
Lion-o seems to have only a single jointed elbow that can't bend all the way so his arms will always be bent, besides that I'm loving all these figures.
nomad16 says
great figures the new series tygra and cheetara look amazing the likenesses are perfect. Although I dont collect them their great. I hope will see some new 45 in ch figures come out soon!
Autotrooper says
Tygra and Cheetara look awesome!! I'm glad I skipped on the 4 inch ones. Now bring on the twins!
Ravenxl7 says
I just hope that the sword isn't as flimsy as the 8" figure's is.
dollman ron says
I will keep my fingers crossed for more 8" figures in whatever way they're planning.
As for the bendy sword, I've found later releases of the 8" Lion-O figure's swords don't have that problem. Found out because my cat (not funny) chewed the end off my first Lion-O's sword.
stcardinal says
Really? They fixed the sword? Can anyone confirm this?
eero says
Man ... looking at that new 6" Lion-O head again ... I'm just laughing. Thanks for making it a little easier, Bandai. That thing is just ridiculous.
Ravenxl7 says
>EXO< says
Gah. Do not like that roaring face. I'll wait for a rerelease with the regular face if they do it. Mumm-Ra looks great.
I hope they don't redo Tygra like the 8". He was way too lack luster.
Tracer says
The new figures look great, especially the ones from the 2011 line. The only downside is the roaring head for me but I can live with it. I'm so glad that they went with 6" classic figures. I'm definitely in for the long haul now.
eero says
McSoundwave says
That new Lion-O face is thunder-thunder-thundercat hooooribbbbllllle!!!!! Mumm-ra, however, looks fantastic. Are they still releasing these as a two-pack? I just want Mumm-ra and don't want to have to waste any extra money on that wack ass, vertically challenged and obviously disgruntled because Bandai shrunk him, poor excuse for Lion-o. Single packs please!
ichnusa says
those new figures are shown a month before Christmas, funny isn't it ?
mumm ra looks very great, but i feels like it miss something, the cape and i think he's too much smooth, i would prefer him much rough less plastic like
lion-o is now known for me as the ugly face, why don't they gave him an additional face that you could change whenever you want ? i understand those who don(t liked the old one who looked like a mediating one, but i like it
he looks like to have the same sculpt than the 8" but if you look closer to the neck now has only one joint, he can't look up and down any more .
the torso seems less detailed and like mumm ra, a little too smooth
picture makes ugly face a little blurry
my point is that they scaled down the figure, but the price may be not down enough for my taste, above all if the figure is getting ugly, and poor quality
lets say that this lion-o comes in Thundercats 2011 6" Classic Collector Figure Series 01 - Set of Lion-O & Mumm-Ra at $31.99 so it's about $15.99 each one
the ThunderCats Classic 8 inch Figure - Lion-O comes at $19.99, you save 4$ but you loose more quality, so i will skip those ones
otherwise i understand that the 6" scale is much more playable, but my 8" lion-o is proudly shown on my desk, like the mighty lord of the thundercats he is,and the ugly face one will never be
Pravus Prime says
Want Classic Mumm-Ra Nao!!!
Beautiful. If the Shendyt has a cut seam so leg movement is unrestricted, then I dare say perfect.
As for the others, not really sold on Lion-O's roaring face, and the Modern figures look very nice.
egoing says
This was a smart move by Bandai to attract kids to both lines at retail. Yes, they retooled the sculpt, but it seems to keep everything except the upward range of motion at the neck. I read when the PR went out for these, the outcry from fans was why the extreme 8" and not 6", well this has been remedied for fans to display the figures with MOTUC and Marvel Legends etc.
Jackalman says
it looks like they removed the mid-torse articulation which is a bummer. or will it be included and these are just the test shots?
User897 says
Lion-O looks like shit. Period. I don't see how they could have actually let that face sculpt pass. Mumm-Ra does look good, but he feels incomplete without his cape. Bandai are shooting themselves in the foot with the scale change. And you can bet with the "limited" release of future 8" figures will come a premium price. I was starting to like the 4" figures I have, and the 8" ones are neat on their own, but now it's like Bandai is favoring 6" for BOTH series and the 4" will suffer. With that comes a lack of vehicles and playsets as well. I am willing to "hang in there" and see just exactly what Bandai has up their sleeve, but I'm not liking how they have shit on the 8" and there is NO information on the 4".
*Fingers crossed*
Ravenxl7 says
*Fingers crossed*
User897 says
I'm aware of that. I just don't like how the focus of the article is on the new (for Classics) size they want to peddle. I am entitled to that.
GK Punk says
No twins, no care :x
TheCopperkid says
Why do people act like being the same size as motuc and marvel legends is a big deal? If that is true threats retarded, current toys have always had different scales, why should anyone care if liono is the same height as heman? Who says heman is 6 foot and liono isn't 8 feet tall? Why do people get so mad and feel like they are owed something by these properties? Relax and enjoy the show and the toys, the ride is going to be over before we know it.
Pravus Prime says
*Fingers crossed*
Scelestus Unus says
One other thing I noticed is that the wrists look like single pegs now instead of the Revoltech-esque ones of the previos Classics figure. Don't really mind though, as I always feel like I'm going to break the peg when switching out the hands.
I don't mind the new head. He never really made faces like that very often in the cartoon, but it looks like something right out of the Wildstorm comics. I already painted my other Lion-O to be more cartoon acurate, so maybe I'll leave this one alone and call it my comic book version.
Also just noticed by zooming into the picture that the top torso piece looks to be sculpted into the figure as opposed to the 8 inch figure that had it as a seperate piece, that is worn on the figure like a vest. Depending on how big a gap there is between the upper and lower torso pieces, this may hinder the articulation there a bit.
One last edit... I know that the scales are different and that the two pictures weren't taken at the exact depth/angle, but it looks like the short form sword has a longer handle with a shorter hilt than the previous version.
englishw says
Icespark says
I'm really happy to see we'll be getting more figures!
I'm kind of sorry to see the eight inch line ending; it would have been fun to have Thundercats figures in scale with my Final Fantasy figures.
They really ought to change the facial expression for the new classics Lion-O; screaming in anger doesn't suit him at all. Also, Mumm-Ra needs his cape.
I suppose now, not being able to find any figures was a blessing in disguise, as I'll now probably go in for both six inch lines, as long as all the characters are made. I hope they announce more characters soon.
Ravenxl7 says
englishw says
More new toys!!! Look!!!
Balgus82 says
lionslayer says
I for one welcome a 6 inch scale, it opens up more vehicle and playset possibilities. Remember this is Bandai not Mattel, Bandai is more likely to do stuff like that. Now as far as the angry faces and no cape, im sure thats just for the two pack. Once we get Lion-O and Mummra single carded they will have normal faces. Relax everyone their just toys.
eero says
But you're right, they're just toys. Nothing's owed to us, and their play value (in theory) is not diminished by this announcement, because it's our perspective that's askew. You won't hear me hollering for a refund. Still, I'm not going to buy any more classics. Bandai is a big company. They should have figured out something like scale from the get-go and committed to it, for better or worse.
Eight-inch Lion-O and Tygra are nice figures, but instead of getting a dedicated shelf -- and thus a chunk of my toy budget -- they now go on the randoms and one-offs shelf. And life goes on.
Icespark says
If I'm (re)reading correctly, there should be a eight inch scale Cheetara figure made, and then what? Will that be the end, or do they plan to make some repaints, ect?
Either way, I hope they post a nice long list. The sooner I have one, the sooner I can budget for them!
Jlogano20 says
wheres the 6 inch (or smaller) twins???
Ravenxl7 says
ThundercatsRules says
tygra and cheetara look awesome. i think fans are gonna be happy
DecepticonSpike says
Loving the Cheetra figure.
adssse says
Looks like I am in the minority, but I actually dont mind the Lion-O face (although I probably do prefer the straight face).
Dr Kain says
Tygra and Cheetara are just down right amazing. I cannot wait to get them.
There is something off on Lion-O and Mumm-Ra though. For one thing, I still do not get why they canned the 8inch line and moved to a 6inch line? The least they could do is offer us an exchange program instead of making me buy the same figure again. I also do not like Lion-O screaming face. It just looks off. As for Mumm-Ra, he is awesome, but again, something looks off on him. Hopefully he has his cape. I do not know why, but Bandai keeps cheaping out on Mumm-Ra. They do not give the 6 inch new one his wings and it looks like they are not giving the Classics his cape. Why do they hate Mumm-Ra so much?
1987olds442 says
I hope that the faces on the modern Cheetara and Tygra look as nice as they do in these pictures. The faces have what has stopped me from buying any of the new 6" figures yet. Hopefully with the other improvements mentioned they will update the other figures head sculpts as well. As far as switching the classics line from 8" to 6" I'm glad to hear it, they will look good with the rest of my 6" collection of DC and Marvel figures
User897 says
Except for the horrible Lion-O, I likey what I see so far. I'm still on the fence with the armor. Maybe if Bandai makes the Plun-Darr armor too, it would look better. If an 8" Classic Cheetara becomes reality, I will be very happy.