The 6-inch Thundercats Classics Lion-O and Mumm-Ra have officially been released. I personally found them at Target in December. Forum member Jlogano20 spotted them as well. Target, of all places, is the hot spot to check for these. On a different note TARGET IS NOW CARRYING THUNDERCATS IN STORES! And it’s about time.
We will have a full review and gallery soon.
- 6 Inch Thundercats Classics Released
found mumm-ra & lion-o in a target in NY today they were 14.99 nothing else new

they were in the other figure isle not the TF,star wars ETC isle
Thats EXACTLY what I found today in south Texas LOVE these figures!!!!!
what part of ny dude
Did you buy them? And are you enjoying them???
My Target set up their TF pegs two days ago, but they have only had the 4inchers instock. The 6inchers have not come in yet and I have been going there twice a day and will continue to do so until they get them in. Hopefully they have at least one Cheetara when they do come in.
I saw them last weekend in one of the Napa Targets. Picked Lion-o up yesterday at the target across the street from my office.
ok front page anyone???
Heres my Lion-O was messing around in my truck today

ok seriously whats with the lack of front paging news??? theres 2-3 things that are important toy news going on in this forum that haven't been front paged
Sightings aren't front page material unless you're one of the first people to find them and can provide clear pictures of the figures that allow people to see the final production figures in hand for the first time. If they made a news post for everytime a figure was sighted then that's all the first page would be, since these are mass market figures that will be everywhere eventually.
Also, there is a sightings section of this board. This topic should probably be moved.
They are showing up in Walmarts now too.Got this from WallyWorld last night

Also, there is a sightings section of this board. This topic should probably be moved.
I found the new 6 inch Classics figures at Target yesterday and they looked so good I just had to pick them up. I've only opened Lion-o so far but I've gotta say that I'm pretty impressed with him. I'm not a fan of the screws on his back (seriously, wtf?!?) but the posability he has more than makes up for it.
Found Lion-O and Mumm-Ra at a local Walmart, they look cool, but they're so small now.
Mumm-Ra is bigger then Lion-O, Lion-O is the tallest of the Thundercats so how small will the (to stay in scale) rest of the Classic Thundercats be? The Kits and Snarf will be tiny.
It seems like here in Northern CA, these have hit everywhere except K-Marts. (Along with Wave 2 6inch, and 4inch.)
My local TARGET HAS ALREADY CLEARENCED THEM OUT, 6" for around $8 and the 4" for around $4.