Toy New Online is reporting that Underground Toys has been awarded a license to produce talking plush toys based on Thundercats. The plush toys will be based on the Modern Thundercats. They will come in both 4 inch and 9 inch sizes. They are expected to hit in the 3rd Quarter of 2012.
We will have more as it becomes available.
- Underground Toys
Underground Toys To Make Plush Thundercats
Finally, I was wondering when we would be getting some plushes. I'm not familiar with Underground Toys, would these be available at mass retail? (Walmart, Target, Kmart, etc...). If they make a 9" Snarf, he'll be a must-have. Would be cool if these sold well enough that they decided to make some based on the original show. I have to admit, a plush Classic Panthro would be hard to pass-up.
These are examples of plushes made by Underground Toys. Too bad it isnt like 18" tall for snarf, like the original.

cool though that we get more stuff to collect.
Yet another cool novelty item.
I will more than likely pick these up.
Ehhh..... Snarf and Mumm-Ra would be cool to own, but other than that these would collect dust.
Who else wants a plush Wilykit and Wilykat?
Cool. I would consider picking one up depending on the price.
I'd love to see a plush fearagor. anyone else?
As for my original Tcats comment, I was just theorizing that any potential for them to gain the license to do plushes of them could rely on the success of their modern Tcats plushes. Basically some theorizing mixed in with a lot of hope for the future.
Anyways, it should be interesting to see how these turn out. Depending on the detail, availability, and price, a Panthro plush might be worth picking up. Especially if they, unlike Bandai, get his colors right.
I'd be willing to get the entire Line if it's means a classics like as well.
Sorry to bump a rather old thread, but I recently remembered this bit of news. It's now been eleven months, no word on this since the announcement of the licensing, so...I guess it's safe to assume they chose not to pursue this venture after-all... I would also assume that they probably couldn't find a single retailer that would want to stock anything Thundercats related...
Ya, its really a shame. I would have loved to pick these up for my daughter!
I always get outbid on eBay when trying to obtain a vintage plush Snarf in decent condition so I wouldn't mind a new release at an affordable price. A Ma-Mutt wouldn't be bad either but I can't think of any other characters I would want a plushie of. I'm not that much into cutesifying stuff.