Forum member NateHups was kind enough to share photos of the newly released Super Deformed Thundercats Box Set. The set is a collection of stylized cartoonish versions of characters from the Modern Thundercats show. The set includes:
• Lion-O
• Panthro
• Cheetara
• Tygra
• Slithe
• Mumm-Ra
Click the headline of the story to check out the images.
Thundercats Super Deformed Pics

thanks for all the pics. Whats with all the tape? Do some of them not stand up by themselves?
Only Panthro and Slithe stand by themselfs the rest i had to tape to my desk to take pics
I just put them back in the box. There are no holes in the feet to use stands. There feet do bend so it might be possible after allot of effort to make them stand by themselves