Pumyra fans won’t be disappointed with this update. We have over 175 HD screen caps of Thundercats Episode 19: The Pit. Don’t forget to check out our Thundercats Episode 19: The Pit Review as well. Once you’ve done that, stop by our Ongoing Ep 19 Discussion to share your thoughts on this weeks show.
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Please use this thread to talk about Thundercats Episode 19: The Pit.
Wow Lion-O nice way to tip off the Doberman that you're going to attempt to free Pumyra.
Ok the needing the cane, blanket, and button thing was kinda stupid. If he hadn't stolen them he wouldn't have needed them.
Awesome episode.
Ok the needing the cane, blanket, and button thing was kinda stupid. If he hadn't stolen them he wouldn't have needed them.
I wonder if they're going to make Tookit at recurring character. He can come in handy. I could do without the accent though. LOL.
Good episode. But I kinda wish they had left out the whole thief thing and focused on Pumyra, the Pit, and Panthro and Dobo's friendship.
Pumyra is still a medic, wrapping up Lion-O's arm...I saw no shipping signs...yet...lol!
Good episode. I hope seeing Pumyra bandaging up Lion-O's arm is a precursor to her being the medic type like in the OS. The dynamic between Pumyra and Lion-O seemed a bit rushed to me though. From how much she wanted to hurt him and then a few kicks later and she refuses to finish him off, and how quickly the dogs chanted to let them live. Didn't really seem like it was an epic enough battle for a mass reaction like that but I still like the episode. Can't wait to see what happens next.
They chanted to let them live? I thought they were booing. I'll have to rewatch later.
Great episode. I wonder how the other Thunderians who are enslaved at Plundarr, will respond to Lion-o? Probably not any better than Pumyra did at first.
So apparently Lion-O's way of winning this is to copycat what Tygra did a few episodes ago. Let the enemy kick the litter out of his box, except Lion-O was going with until things work out right in their own way.
Though I do wonder why, if he didn't intend to fight back, he still kept that axe in his hand for so long.
I wonder if they're going to make Tookit at recurring character. He can come in handy. I could do without the accent though. LOL.
If they weren't chanting that then it makes even less sense to me why Dobo would let them live
After 18 episodes of set-up, all of which were good some great I feel like after today's episode we are finally cooking! Good momentum, here's hoping that CN doesn't screw that momentum up again. I know cats have 9 lives but rarely do tv shows get more than 2 chances. Bandai we could use your help too. Here's hoping that after several months of what has been seemlingly mismanaged coordination efforts on all fronts, we get an strong consolidated intelligent stragic effort. Thundercats HO!
Pumyra is still a medic, wrapping up Lion-O's arm...I saw no shipping signs...yet...lol!
Though I do wonder why, if he didn't intend to fight back, he still kept that axe in his hand for so long.
Pumyra's got Cheetara all jealous now =)
Cool episode. I have to wonder what was the point of finding that shortcut through the mountains since they ended up in the desert. I guess they just forgot all about the spirit stone being up.
Really? Don't put that on half the population just because you know some shady females.
I wonder if Bengali will be in the next episode
We've all seen someone get into these kinds of messes, but it's not cool to pin it on women exclusively.
No, the "bigger man" wouldnt have said that misogynistic BS in the first place, but ok
We've all seen someone get into these kinds of messes, but it's not cool to pin it on women exclusively.
No, the "bigger man" wouldnt have said that misogynistic BS in the first place, but ok
Anyone else like Dobo? I do! But maybe I'm partial to dobermans. My first dog was a doberman.
Pumyra was great ! I think she may have idolized Lion-O a bit, and that added to her frustration. Also seems like she's lost someone important in the aftermath. Get those tissues ready, I think were in for another TCat sob fest ! Lion-O was right, this girl is a piece of work! She was dishing out some good moves, I wonder how she became such a good fighter . Was she training for some sort of military position?
Though, we could have done without the B plot with the twins. Honestly, Tookit was interesting enough to have priority focus. I would have liked it to be another episode.
All in all, I enjoyed myself.
Lovin' Pumyra.

I don't know if I can resist a Tygra x Pumyra ship. Who else sees similarities between them? Fierce, loyal yet capable of telling their king to ****-off if they think he's wrong.
I'm sorry Cheetara fans, but she just appears bland compared to Pumyra. If we can get the gist of a character's personality in one episode while we struggle to get another's after 19 episodes, don't you guys think the writers have been unfair on her?
PS: Long time TCL/T.ws lurker here. Nice to meet y'll thunderfans.
I don't know if I can resist a Tygra x Pumyra ship. Who else sees similarities between them? Fierce, loyal yet capable of telling their king to ****-off if they think he's wrong.
I'm sorry Cheetara fans, but she just appears bland compared to Pumyra. If we can get the gist of a character's personality in one episode while we struggle to get another's after 19 episodes, don't you guys think the writers have been unfair on her?
PS: Long time TCL/T.ws lurker here. Nice to meet y'll thunderfans.
I don't know if I can resist a Tygra x Pumyra ship. Who else sees similarities between them? Fierce, loyal yet capable of telling their king to ****-off if they think he's wrong.
I'm sorry Cheetara fans, but she just appears bland compared to Pumyra. If we can get the gist of a character's personality in one episode while we struggle to get another's after 19 episodes, don't you guys think the writers have been unfair on her?
PS: Long time TCL/T.ws lurker here. Nice to meet y'll thunderfans.
I don't think I can handle a Ty/Myra ship. They might kill each other.
I don't know if I can resist a Tygra x Pumyra ship. Who else sees similarities between them? Fierce, loyal yet capable of telling their king to ****-off if they think he's wrong.
I'm sorry Cheetara fans, but she just appears bland compared to Pumyra. If we can get the gist of a character's personality in one episode while we struggle to get another's after 19 episodes, don't you guys think the writers have been unfair on her?
PS: Long time TCL/T.ws lurker here. Nice to meet y'll thunderfans.
Anyone else like Pumyra's weapons? I love them! Cooler than Panthro's thunderarms...
Anyone else like Pumyra's weapons? I love them! Cooler than Panthro's thunderarms...
Anyone else like Pumyra's weapons? I love them! Cooler than Panthro's thunderarms...
The new episode introduces a new Thundercat named Pumyra, whom is shown to be a slave gladiator after she was taken from Thundera when the Lizard Army invade it back in the pilot. Pumyra's relationship with Lion-O was off to a rocky start as she blames him for something that wasn't exactly true with the Thunderians' enslavement. The only reason she was able to beat Lion-O was because Lion-O refuses to fight back and it took his getting back up that got through to her. I wish they'd show flashbacks of how Pumyra and the other Thunderians were enslaved instead of flashbacks between Panthro and that dog warrior. The second storyline was seeing the twins' thievery reflecting back at them when they meet Tookit, whose thievery rivals theirs. A good episode that serves as Pumyra's introduction.
I thought the episode was too fast.
The kit and kat part was cute, but it didn't need it.
Lion-o has really matured. He was right to try and save her. He is the King.
I think this was the set up for the Cats to save the other cats. I didn't realize it was a mine.
I still can't get past pumyra's hair and voice. Her voice reminds me of the voice of the stronger women in anime.
Like the panthro part.
Can we get some flashbacks of cheetara???
Tygra did warn him, saying that perhaps he should care about what the citizens of Thundara think of him. As admirable as it is that he's willing to be different from his father and project his own image, he's going to have a hard time shaking that image from his people's minds. It'll be hard to unite the animals when his own people have very little faith in him.
I'd actually really like to see that come to a head a some point, especially if the people still support Tygra as their potential leader. It'd be a nice chance for Tygra to display support for Lion-O, or for Lion-O to win them over.
Tygra did warn him, saying that perhaps he should care about what the citizens of Thundara think of him. As admirable as it is that he's willing to be different from his father and project his own image, he's going to have a hard time shaking that image from his people's minds. It'll be hard to unite the animals when his own people have very little faith in him.
I'd actually really like to see that come to a head a some point, especially if the people still support Tygra as their potential leader. It'd be a nice chance for Tygra to display support for Lion-O, or for Lion-O to win them over.
That is a truly terrifying prospect, no? XD
I agree, why would you want to be with someone you don't want to be like. She looks like tygra with her hair too.
I don't know if I can resist a Tygra x Pumyra ship. Who else sees similarities between them? Fierce, loyal yet capable of telling their king to ****-off if they think he's wrong.
I'm sorry Cheetara fans, but she just appears bland compared to Pumyra. If we can get the gist of a character's personality in one episode while we struggle to get another's after 19 episodes, don't you guys think the writers have been unfair on her?
PS: Long time TCL/T.ws lurker here. Nice to meet y'll thunderfans.
Welcome aboard.
Another great episode. Pumyra was definitely not what I was expecting, but that was a good thing. I loved the bow she had. Nice reference to Mandora (though I'd love to see Mandora in this show too). With how Pumyra reacted to Lion-O, I'm curious to see how this will develop in future episodes. Should definitely be interesting to see some more Thunderians.
I really liked the sort of Lando-ish way they introduced Dobo. His and Panthro's history was really interesting. When I had read that we would be getting some info on Panthro in this episode, my first thought was that he was prisoner here at some point. Didn't expect that he had made friends with the dog that eventually took over the place. Should be interesting to see if this friendship comes in handy in future episodes.
Mount Plundarr was definitely an interesting way to end the episode. Makes me think that old Mumsy's sword was taken from his ship after the crash. Next week's episode will definitely be interesting.
I think what happened with Pumyra will be a foreshadowing of how the other Thunderians will react to Lion-O being the king because only now 7 people know it.
I can see the Sword of Plundarr at the Mt. Plundarr and maybe Mumm-Ra would appear again.