Nestle is releasing a Thundercats Easter Eggs Surprise in Brazil. The eggs are milk chocolate and comes in a pack of 15 eggs. also in the pack is a Thundercats Eye of Thundera Bracelet. The bracelet features a light projection of the iconic Thundercats symbol. You can see a product page by visiting Americanas.com.
Click the headline of the story for a few pics.
Brazilian Thundercats Easter Eggs by Nestle
That's pretty cool. Too bad it seems to be a Brazil-only thing...
We must find a way to import...... that is seriously cool!
I've been searching for someone outside South America who may have it, nothing so far. If I come across an importer, I'll post it up here.
Those look pretty cool. Might have to email someone I know in Brazil and try get me one.
Brazilian Easter Eggs?
For the love of god, someone please shut this site down.
Got mine in mail a few days ago. Here are a couple of quick pics. They are much bigger than I thought.
and here is the light
sweet! can you pm me the details on how you ordered from there?
I may have an extra to trade if anyone is interested.
Definitely larger than I expected. The projected symbol is also much sharper than I thought it would be. Nice score.
....some more photos ...

very cool item