Thundercats kicked into high gear this week. We got Mumm-Ra facing off against the ‘Cats, a flashback that leaves a lot of questions and a nice little cliffhanger ending. Read on to check out our review of Thundercats Episode 6 – Journey To The Tower Of Omens.
Thundercats Episode 5 – Old Friends Review
In the fifth episode, Old Friends, the Thundercats are are made “whole” with the highly anticipated addition of Panthro. This week saw some great flashbacks, insane action and some nods to the original series that should get fans smiling.
Read on for our review of Thundercats Episode 5 – Old Friends.
Thundercats Episode 4 Song Of The Petalars Review
In the fourth episode of Thundercats, Lion-O and crew are on the run from a massive army of lizards. As they flee, they come face to face with a tiny race of plant people called the Petalars. While attempting to understand their new found allies, the Lizard men are ho on their trail…
Read on for our review of Song of the Petalars.
Thundercats Episode 3 Ramlak Rising Review
Tonight brought us the third episode of the Thundercats. Lion-O and crew mourn the loss of their king, as well as their people. With Lion-O determined to find and destroy Mumm-Ra, he sets the team on a course to find him, forgoing the quest for the Book of Omens.
Click the headline of the story for the review.
Thundercats Premiere Review
The new Thundercats had extremely large shoes to fill. The original show is beloved by those who grew up in the 80’s, and there are more good episodes than bad, especially when compared to other shows from the era. But, unlike many of the more popular shows from the 80’s, Thundercats has lied dormant in a sea of legal red tape and false starts.
The first two episodes of the new Thundercats cartoon has premiered. It had something for fans old and new, and set up a potentially epic story for the first season. But, was it worth the wait? Was it as good as the trailers and clips led us to believe?
Click the headline of the story for the review of the Thundercats Premiere.